Shepway Harness Club
We are friendly group who exchange ideas and support each other.
Our club members are from all age groups and all levels of driving and drive a variety of turnouts from mini Shetlands to large horses.
Friday 22nd March 2024 7pm
Cobbes Meadow, Chandlers Way, Chartham. CT4 7TU
Complimentary buffet afterwards
Everyone welcome including non members, friends and family.
Please note Cobbes Meadow is not sign posted from the road, Please scroll down the page for map
The Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 22nd March 2024 at Cobbes Meadow, Chartham at 7.00 pm followed by an optional buffet. The Club is very short of Committee members: please offer your help if at all possible as it is very difficult to run the Club without input! Any items to be discussed under "Any Other Business" must be sent to the Secretary in writing to arrive by 8th March 2024.
Please confirm you will be able to attend by filling in the AGM form below. (we need to know how many to cater for).
if you wish to join the committee please fill in the nomination form.